Saturday, 5 December 2009


"i hate to see my stuff in stores! i don't know why, it's weird, i know, but i just really hate it. even stores i love like barney's in new york - i can't look!"
- christopher kane

christopher kane on bloggers: "it's a bit mad, isn't it? it feels like it's happened all of a sudden and at some shows this season the front row was just all bloggers. i think it will die down though, and people know what they are doing. no one who wants to read a serious review of a show is going to look at what a 14 year old thinks. but it has become more critical; people can say what they want about anyone on a blog without consequences and that's quite scary. there are real repercussions for a designer if a photo of something is leaked by a blog; it can be copied in a fortnight and that can really harm a business. you have to be much more careful now."

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